CALL US: (602) 488-6104
RECOVER – ed LIFE is an adult (ages 18 and above) eating disorder IOP. It is designed for people recently diagnosed with an eating disorder along with those individuals who have been living with an eating disorder for years. Whether you are trying to stay out of residential treatment, or you just discharged, RECOVER – ed LIFE can offer you personalized care. Program includes weekly individual therapy, weekly nutritional counseling, daily meal support and group therapy focused on ACT, DBT, ERP and various experiential therapies. Program meets three nights per week, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm with a recommended 90-day length of stay. If you are tired of the same old approach to treatment, you are invited to come and try something new.

This program is for those wanting help to recover from:
Disordered Eating
Binge Eating Disorder
Bulimia Nervosa
Anorexia Nervosa
Unspecified Eating Disorders